Hey guys, we received a great question regarding peptide complexes in sports supplements and whether or not they are legal. Have you come across any information regarding this query? If so, we’d love to hear from you and prompt discussion in the comments box below.

“Can you tell me more about the peptide complex of “supplements” that’s in the news at the moment. Particularly the controversy surrounding Essendon AFL team. Is this legal & what does it do?”

From our reading and research, the controversy within the Essendon AFL team surrounds the fact that an outside doctor was allowed to administer injections to players of a ‘substance’ that may or may not be 100% legal. Their coaches were allegedly under the impression that any substances used were appropriate and were not performance enhancing drugs. This is where the confusion lies, as the supplements that were used by the Essendon players may not pass strict anti-doping regulations. This supplement injection was apparently a peptide complex/substance. Apparently 90% of peptide supplements are legal and approved for use by worldwide sporting bodies, however, a small 10% of peptide concoctions are illegal for use. Peptide supplements are essentially short chain amino acids and there are studies surrounding their effectiveness at improving exercise performance, reducing fat mass and increased ‘body gain’. All of these things are what athletes look for in supplements and some athletes are known to push the boundaries when it comes to legal vs. illegal supplements.

These peptide supplements are usually given in injection form as they are more stable this way and won’t be broken down by the gastrointestinal system. When consuming protein rich foods, the peptide bonds are broken down to leave you with amino acids to be absorbed in the body. This is why injection of such a substance is more appealing. We hope this gives you a better understanding of the topic surrounding peptide supplements.


Mission Nutrition 🙂