Hey everyone, welcome to another review. Today we will be busting the myth about dextrose and it’s use in the fitness community. So what is dextrose? Dextrose is a simple monosaccharide (simple sugar) found in plants. Dextrose is also referred to as glucose or D-glucose. Food suppliers usually display dextrose on the back of food labels instead of glucose due to peoples negative association towards glucose. Current knowledge by the community upon dextrose is below par compared to glucose. Supplement companies will take this opportunity to produce dextrose in bulk for sport use. We don’t recommend purchasing this supplement as you could just add in table sugar (only if required) and it’s quite expensive. Dextrose at your local health food store will set you back approximately AUD $10 – $18 per kg compared to only $4 per kg for table sugar at the supermarket, and it’s basically the same product. Don’t become a victim to marketing scams like this. We hope you’ve learnt something today 🙂


Mission Nutrition

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