Have you ever thought about your snacking habits? Healthy snacking between meals can keep you satisfied and satiated until you’re ready to sit down for your next main meal. But sometimes we can get caught up in mindless snacking and grazing too often throughout the day. Here we share some basic tips to help prevent mindless snacking so often.

– Stock treat foods out of sight and to the back of the pantry or fridge. Make lots of room to place healthier and fresh foods at the front of the pantry or fridge to promote healthy snacking.

– Opt for an over-stocked fridge compared to an over-stocked pantry. Load up on fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables stored in the fridge, and incorporate them into every meal.

– Be careful of mindless grazing during meal preparation. We often snack on foods in the kitchen when cooking or preparing meals. This can easily lead to over-snacking!

– Portion out your snacks during the day. Be mindful when eating healthy snacks like nuts as you can easily over-do it if you’re eating straight from the bag!

– Keep your kitchen and food preparation areas clutter free. Clutter can sometimes turn the kitchen into a stressful place, which can often leads to mindless snacking. Try to keep the kitchen neat and tidy with foods and prep material in easy to reach places!


Mission Nutrition 🙂

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