Hey everyone! It’s the last day of Protein Week and we hope you have enjoyed it. Tomorrow we will be having a poll on our page for some feedback. Your participation will help us improve our page, information and your areas of interest.

The last thing we will be talking about in this week is nitrogen balance. It is defined as all the protein that enters and exits a person’s body. To stimulate muscle tissue growth, the body must be in a positive nitrogen balanced state. This means more protein is ingested compared to the amount that is lost. Protein can be lost due to homeostatic (maintenance) mechanisms around the body; such as maintaining hair, finger nails and collagen cells. These maintenance mechanisms combined with a low intake of protein will cause our body to be in a negative nitrogen balance. So remember to have adequate amounts of protein daily to put your body into positive nitrogen balance!

We hope you have enjoyed protein week here at Mission Nutrition. Be sure to ask us if you have any nutrition queries and we will do our best to help!

Mission Nutrition 🙂

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