Hey everyone, we have a question from Matt. He writes, “Given the recent concern over ingredients in certain pre-workout products, what should I be looking for in a pre-workout to ensure that it will both increase my performance and do it safely”?

Our answer:

That’s a great and wise question Matt. As many of you may or may not know, the supplement industry is a global multi-billion dollar industry with supplements ranging from safe and beneficial to dangerous and dud. For those who purchase supplements on a monthly basis, you might be familiar with a product called Jack3d which was developed by USPlabs as a concentrated pre-workout supplement. It was recently stripped off the market as it contained an ingredient called 1,3 dimethylamylamine (DMAA). The Food and Drug Administration in the U.S issued warning notices for the safety of its use as reports of severe adverse effects and cause of death were arising. Although DMAA has been scientifically researched to show various gains in lean muscle development and can stimulate fat loss, we do not recommend this pre-workout concentrate as there are other substrates which have also been scientifically researched and can boost performance safely. These substrates include, creatine, caffeine, nitrates and beta-alanine which have all been proven in scientific-peer-reviewed journal articles to increase exercise performance in a safe manner. We will be covering all of these pre-workout substrates throughout the year but feel free to research on your own. I hope this answer has shed some light on some pre-workout substrates which can increase performance without burdening health. Happy reading everyone!!


Mission Nutrition 🙂

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