Quinoa is a great tasting food and should be consumed more often! According to the new Australian Dietary Guidelines 2013, just 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa is equivalent to 1 serve of grain (cereal) products! Both women and men need 6 serves from this food group daily. So if you need to switch up your foods to include more healthy grains, or to ensure you meet these requirements why not try quinoa!

It can be added to:
– Salads and mixed through with roasted veggies
– Stir fry dishes or home-made sushi rolls in place of white rice
– Meat and veggie dishes as a side serving.

It is also a tasty alternative to white breads or refined pastas with it’s nutty flavour. Bursting with vitamins and minerals and sold both at Coles and Woolworths (in the health food aisle), you can’t go wrong!


Mission Nutrition šŸ™‚

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